We went to the most lovely wedding this last weekend!
It was everything autumn and I so so so enjoyed it!
Congratulations to the new Mr. and Mrs. Kellen and Samantha Holcomb
This wedding was the first wedding that ever made me feel old! Sam was in the youth group when I got back from Russia and was dating Adam ... 4 years ago! Can you believe it's been 4 years - weird! Anyways, we love Sam (and her family) and were every blessed to be able to celebrate her picture perfect day with her!
I thought her veil was just lovely!
I think I've seen it somewhere before :)
The reception was a great time to celebrate with friends
and eat really, really yummy food!
I was loving the pumpkins everywhere! Everything looked so great!
Look at how cute and fun my husband is
(I'm not in this picture because I wasn't being as fun as he was)
... but I got over it and had some fun too!

table 10
aka the super fun table
aka our community group (minus the Turners)