This last week Adam's sister Tanya and her two kids (Ty and Ella) came for a visit from Oklahoma to celebrate Roger and Ella's birthdays! So ...we celebrated!!!
Roger turned 60 and Ella turned 5 and a fun time was had by all!
Here's one of the gifts we got Ella. You know your present is a hit when they open it right away! One night we all watched Transformers together (This is Tanya and Ty - and little bit of Roger who is talking to Ella) Adam and I had already seen Transformers to we weren't paying as much attention to the movie as some people were :) Since Adam's parents have a pool at there house there was lots of swimming (and snorkeling) enjoyed by all as well! Here's Bennett sitting with his Papa Roger - Bennett thinks he is one funny guy!
After swimming we wanted to get some "cousin pictures" Bennett was just too tired to smile so Ty and Ella, being the quick whited little things they are, decided they would make faces that matched with him instead of waiting for him to smile! They crack me up! And of course as soon as i put my camera down Bennett started smiling! Oh well!
We had a great time visiting and we hope we can see them all again soon!
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