Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy, Happy 4th!

 We snapped this picture after church because I didn't know if we would actually take any pictures and Bennett and I dressed for the occasion (you can't see my cute red flats) but in a series of unplanned events we ended up spending the day out in Temecula at the Taft home with the Sheltons, both Taft families and the Lomans.
(yes, that's really their home, it looks like a magazine, I know!)

We had a great time playing and talking and eating
(Because, really, what else is there to do on the 4th?) 
It was perfect!

We had these fabulous plans to make it to the Temecula Sports Park but with three kids and helping to clean up before we left it just wasn't going to happen. So we went up to the "famous" Iron Bark Court, snagged the last two parking spots and got out of the car just in time to have a perfect view of the show!
We set the camera on some random persons car and got this awesome picture!
Hope you all had as great of a day as we did! Happy 4th!

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