Friday, September 24, 2010

Oregon (day two)

After a really good breakfast at the hotel (no, seriously, I was surprised too, it really was super good!) the Elwer family drove down to the wedding location to start helping with set up.  To our surprise we found ourselves on the cutest little road, driving by the cutest little houses, in Turner, OR!

And then, all of a sudden, the trees parted, and we were there! The Turner Memorial Tabernacle!

The reception hall was being set up first, so of course we started there.

However, when we got there, there were a lot of people we didn't know at all standing around looking at a bunch of tables scattered all over the room. After realizing they were trying to position them for the reception I called over "Math Boy" (aka Adam) and with in minutes tables were being moved and we quickly had a set up that worked really well and made Katrina happy (which is the ultimate goal of course, even if we did boss people around... but seriously, they were just standing there! They needed to be directed)

Katrina's mom was super organized and was ready for us to decorate tables just as soon they were in place. Each table got a table cloth and then a lace tablecloth on top of that, then flowers and three different sizes of candle jars (and then later came some strands of pears). It was very cute!

There was a bit of a pause in the room as the men were taking off to get their tuxes so Hollie (Katrina's sister-in-law) lead herself and Katie and Katrina in a sun salutation... Bennett had no idea what was going on!

Bennett did find a piano in the corner and was more than happy to entertain us all with his "music"

So basically we spent the morning moving furniture and decorating for the reception. Once the ladder showed up it was on to the church to hang things and start the transformation over there.

So stuff got hung, people (and Bennett) were cleaning, the present table and guest quilt table were set up
Isn't that the cutest?! All the guests wrote there kind words and blessing on a quilt with fabric markers! Love it! 

The boys also took care of random projects that included lots of kicking and hammering and what not - I'm glad they were all there!

So we finished all our projects about 1 o'clock and we realized that we didn't have to be back for the rehearsal until 4:30, so.... We called Becky and Michael and to our surprise they were free and suggested an outlet mall about 40 minutes from both of us so it seemed like the perfect place to meet up! We arrived within minutes of each other and went and got some food! We missed them so much! It was so nice to sit and talk over chips and coffee (even if our son was being a crazy person)! Due to said crazy person, we didn't stay inside the restaurant too long, and went for a walk together.

On our walk we found the most amazing tree house that just had to be explored!

And before we knew it, it was ten till four and we had to head back for the rehearsal! We hugged and said our good-byes but we knew we would for sure see them the next day because Becky and Michael were babysitting Bennett during the wedding! (Pretty awesome to travel and still be able to get a babysitter you trust completely!)

Upon arriving back at the church, we were all overjoyed to be able to meet Jodie's son Luke for the first time! He was/is a doll! Seriously, one of the cutest, squishiest, sweetest babies I've ever seen!

The rehearsal went great (Katrina was super on top of all the details!) and the whole thing went really quickly!

Before you knew it we were all climbing in cars to head to Padington's Pizza in Salem for the rehearsal dinner. The pizza was great but the place was super crowded and Bennett and Adam were not enjoying themselves. So we stayed through dessert (of course) and then made our exit to head back to the hotel. After some relaxing in the hotel room, we decided to go for a family swim down at the pool. I'm bummed I forgot my camera, Bennett was trying to copy everything Adam was doing in the pool - it was adorable! But upon returning to our room I did get the cutest picture of all time while playing peek-a-boo before getting into our pj's!

Stay tuned for day three... the wedding!

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