Monday, January 17, 2011

New Computer!

We have been in GREAT need of a computer for a really long time! 
Adam's old Mac laptop was 9 years old and mine was 6 years old. We are committed to Mac's and love them ... I mean who else would keep their computers that long?! 
That is unless you are super poor ... which would also be us. 
So, that being said, in his former (unmarried) life, my husband liked to go out and buy random musical instruments, one of which was a Key-tar he bought for $500 about 5 years ago.

Well that puppy just sold on ebay for a whole lot more than $500 and we were able to get a new iMac! (well, "new" is a relative term here, we bought it refurbished from Apple because it's a better value AND you can get apple care with it, so basically it's good as new and you get a smoke'n deal on it) 

The box came Wednesday when I was laying Bennett down for his nap, so I waited until Adam got home so he could open it himself!
 Gotta love their simple packaging...
 Taking off the plastic
 Watching the "Welcome Video"

 Totally engrossed in his new toy 
(really this is the family's new computer ... but this is my first time on it and we've had it for 5 days)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

jon totally shoved m out of the way cause HE HAD to be the one to start OUR new macbook pro. so rude.