Saturday, December 12, 2009

9 Month Update

Bennett is just about 9 1/2 months old now, but I finally scanned his pictures, so now I can update! :) His basic 9 month stats are:
22 lbs, 12 oz and 29 1/2 inches tall
...but let me tell you more about this sweet little man!

He loves to walk! He he hasn't ventured out on his own yet but he turns anything he can into a walker. He uses things such as kitchen chairs, his high chair, laundry baskets and even the tubs we had our Christmas decorations in... basically if he can push it, he uses it as a walker!
Bennett has also become very, very vocal in the last month. He talks and talks and talks. Sometimes to his books, sometimes to his toy and sometimes my mom and dad's dog Tony but more often then not to Adam or I. So far his "words" include: "Dada" Mama" and "Hi" (Hi is almost always accompanied by waving, it's adorable!)
Bennett loves to eat! His favorite thing to eat is puffed brown rice, the boy would eat it all day long if I let him. But he's also really enjoying tofu and he has just started on eggs. He loves yams and green beans and does not seem to be a big fan of spinach (but we still try to get it down him every other day or so). As of yesterday Bennett has 6 teeth!
Bennett's favorite toys right now are (as always) his air-tivity thing we got from the Curry's but he is also really into the Nativity scene his Grammy got him for Thanksgiving and his walker Deanna got him as well as his books! This boy loves books! His favorite seems to be Good Night Moon (as he has almost totally destroyed it) but a very close second is the Jungle book Maggie Underwood gave him at my baby shower.
Bennett loves music. He dances (aka rocks back and forth) when ever there is any music. If Adam or I sing to him he makes the cutest sounds that are so light and faint we can only assume he is trying to sing too because his normal voice is much louder and fuller than his "singing voice". Bennett's latest musical trick is standing at the edge of the piano and pushing the keys with one hand and then with the other hand banging on the d'jimbe. He also LOVES Adam's banjo! He will strum that thing for 10 minutes straight - no joke! I think the music lessons will need to start soon!
Oh and FYI, the bear in these pictures is the bear I received when I was 6 months old on my first Christmas, her name is Sarah Bear-ah.
Bennett is growing like crazy! As you might have gathered from his stats at the beginning we have a big boy! He's wearing 12 - 18 month clothes (depending on the brand/store) and is wearing a size 3 shoe, but we expect him to move to a 4 rather soon.
Bennett is such a sweet boy and we love his so much! He's a smart cookie and we know he is going to keep us on our toes, but I wouldn't have it any other way, we need to be on our toes! :)
( I love this picture! )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates and the great photos!
Miss you guys
see you soon