Saturday, April 3, 2010

Busy, Busy Bennett!

As you might have noticed lately on our blog we have been counting down the days until Spring Break!
Well, it's here and we are having a grand old time (except for our 4 1/2 hour trip to the dentist yesterday... but you do not want to see pictures from that!)  Here's a few videos of the boy from the past week or so:

We went to our friend's house for dinner the other night. Michael thought we were kidding when we said that Bennett wanted him to play his guitar ...

(Becky and Michael - Please don't move to Oregon, we will miss you too much!!!)

Bennett has had a strange "fear" of grass for a while now, here he is working through that with some help from some friends last Sunday

This is just pure and utter silliness! Bennett cracks us up sometimes!

1 comment:

Becky Radliff said...

Omigosh that video is so cute! Bennett sure does love music.

We had such a good time with you guys that night and we'll have more fun times in SoCal for the next two months, then after that, Bennett (and his parents) will have a fun place to visit in Oregon.

P.S. Michael says he'll be looking out for a left-handed guitar for your little man :)